Beautiful pics of Estella Warren and Vera Farmiga feet & legs

Estella Warren synchronized swimmer from her age of seven until 17 in her home country of Canada. After she turned 12, Warren quit her home country to become a member of her fellow athletes on the Canadian National Team. After three years of training she was crowned the Canadian National Championship. She also represented her nation at the World Aquatic Championships where they finished second. Agents in New York City took a Polaroid photograph of the model following a talent scout observed her act at a charitable event. She signed a model contract immediately and appeared in magazines like "Vogue", Vanity Fair, Sports Illustrated, and Chanel commercials #5. Both were directed by Luc Besson. To pursue her acting skills and to further develop her acting career in Los Angeles, she moved there. Her work has included stars such as Sylvester Stallone. After marrying the musician Renn Swan Hawkey in the year 2008 the couple had two children with each other, Fynn and Gytta Lubov. In 2009, their child Gytta Ludov Hawkey was born. On 13 September 2008, she got married to the musician Renn. The couple now has two kids together: Fynn MacDonnell (b. 2010). Farmiga lives near her family in Hudson Valley. Renn's best friend Allen Hughes introduced her to Deadsy music Renn was on their Touching Evil set. The 13th of September, 2008 they tied the knot when Farmiga had five months left before giving birth to their first child. Vera Farmiga: What is her Net Worth? Vera Farmiga, an American producer, director and actress, has a $10 million worth of net wealth.

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